Part 3: Bad Puns

Welcome back everyone. Last time, we left off outside of this intriguing looking house in the middle of the dark, foreboding woods. This gingerbread house is on F-5, two screens west of the walnut tree. The screens immediately east and south of this house are the "Dark Forest" tiles on the map, and should be considered dangerous.

How dangerous? Well, there's a random chance while on the dark forest tiles that you'll hear a high pitched cackling followed by dangerous music.

By the way, from the second the witch touches you, you're locked into an extended death sequence.

We just got added to the witch's collection.

God DAMMIT. Not from the death, no. That's to be expected in a King's Quest title. That pun. Oh my god, that pun. That was physically painful.

Let's move on. This lake is found at G-2, just one screen west of the screen where we found the dagger.

Like the carrots before them, the pebbles on this screen are available in infinite quantities. You can only ever have one set of pebbles in your inventory, but if you run out you can get more without fear of running out.

Two screens west, on E-2 we can find this seemingly empty screen. While you might initially think the fallen log has treasure, it's just a red herring.

Just north of the diamond-filled tree stump, we find a little goat pen. (E-1) This is a dick move by the game waiting to happen. For the love of all that is good and holy, do not open the gate and leave the screen. If you do, you are no longer able to get the maximum number of points. We'll just leave the goat alone for now.

The well is one screen east of the goat pen, and is one of the most important locations in the game. First off, that bucket and the crank both stand out like a sore thumb.

This is something I didn't even realize you could do until I tried it.

Either that bucket is massive or Graham is a tiny man.

While we ultimately want to take a swim in this underwater reservoir, we need the bucket for something in a moment. We can simply climb the rope and leave the well that way.

Once more with feeling!

Now we can lower the rope with the crank again...

This time we're hanging onto the rope, so we can more easily drop into the water below.

I also wanted to show my saves off, mostly to prove that for all my complaining, I'm just as bad as the narrator.

Alright, so this screen is there just for a transition between this area and the next. The chest looks tempting, but...

It is possible to drown, but it takes almost 19 seconds before Graham suddenly keels over. So unless you have your speed all the way at the lowest for some reason, you have plenty of time to swim all the way over to the small passage in the upper left corner of the shot.

So this is the first of the three treasures we were sent out to find. We can't steal the mirror while the dragon is still there, and he's guarding the only way out of the cave.

Get close and the dragon wakes up to see what you want.

So the dragon doesn't appear to give a shit that we're there. So what happens if we try and get close.

Correction. The dragon doesn't give a shit as long as we don't get close. Also that pun. Fuck.

So let's try this instead...

Hmm. That's both unsatisfying and cruel. It also only got us 3 points. So maybe there's a better way...
Let's try that once more, and do it right this time.

Let's also take a look at our inventory. There's a few items we haven't yet looked at.

As a bonus, if you use the mirror on Graham...

Let's move on. There's an exit to the cave over here. We could have come in this way earlier, but the boulder would have blocked our way into the dragon's lair.

This cave exit is on screen E-6. We're just one screen north of the goat pen. This screen is also incredibly important a little bit later in the game, so just keep it in mind until then.

We're back at the gingerbread house, just one screen north and one screen east of the cave exit. Let's take revenge on that mean old witch...

Once inside the house, you're on a strict time limit. You need to hide in the witch's bedroom quickly.

I also have a pretty apt save name for doing stupid shit like this. "Dumbassery" sums it up about perfectly, because no sane individual would think to do it.

And with that one act, the witch will no longer harass us on the Dark Forest screens. Other hazards can still pop up, but we've removed one of the fastest ones.
And with that act of revenge, I'm also going to end this update here.
NEXT TIME: That puzzle. You know the one.
List of Points
+2 - Picked up pebbles
+3 - Found a pouch
+3 - It was full of diamonds
+2 - Apparently riding the bucket down the well
+2 - Destruction of public property (taking the bucket)
+4 - Cave diving
+2 - Filling the bucket
+1 - Discovering the dragon
+5 - Dragon "slaying"
+8 - Got the Magic Mirror
+2 - Leaving the cave
+7 - Murdering the witch
Total: 71/158
Register of Deaths
Captured by witch
--The Graham cracker pun
--The well pun
--The ash pun
I'm making special note of puns so bad that they "count" as an extra death.